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Smile Gallery & Case Studies

Ceramic makeover

This smile was enhanced with 8 BL4 restorations.


You’d be mistaken to think that the focus is just teeth when it comes to designing a smile.

Premier dentistry for everyday people.

The quest for excellence

Premier dentistry for everyday people.

E-max Veneers

Replacement of old composite veneers with facially guided porcelain veneers.
Premier dentistry for everyday people.

Facially guided design

It’s about recognising aspects that subconsciously concern the patient and put forth a plan that address the concerns and compliment the face.

Follow the landmarks and you will reach your destination.
Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Crown and Bridge

Lost and found

Have you ever lost something and had to carefully trace your steps back to find it.

How good is it when you end up finding it!

Traced our way back to this smile with lots of pre-operative planning.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Six Unit Smile Transformation

A six unit smile transformation to replace old and discoloured teeth

Patient wanted a simple solution for a long-standing problem.

A ten unit transformation would have been the go to achieve a wider smile but patient was more than happy with the 6 unit mock-up.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

The North Star

Let’s keep things simple and not get lost. There’s no complex equation to achieve a beautiful smile.

Nature, in this case the patient’s anatomy, provides the cue. We simply follow and let it guide the design process.

In other words, the patient guides the smile, not the other way around.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

That Flossy Feeling

That flossy feeling
A ten unit bridge replaced with beautifully crafted emax crowns.

Limitations of the bridge resulted in chronic inflammation of the gums which was reversed by designing biologically mimicking restorations.

The gums have shown excellent resolution with the fresh smile being an added bonus

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

E-max veeners

The front teeth had worn down taking away the wholeness of a beautiful smile.

This smile was restored with eight minimally prepped veneers rounding her upper teeth to the lower lip and bringing that spark back to her smile.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Emax Veneers

Precision dentistry

As technology progresses, automation and AI is being incorporated into almost every sphere of life.

Dentistry of the future could be an AI program running a micro CNC machine milling human teeth after a digital mock-up the patient does themselves.

However, until then, good old fashioned hand crafted teeth shaved with clinical precision will do, along with its human imperfections.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

6 Crown and Bridge

Wife and kids: ‘he can’t stop smiling’

Front six crowns and bridge to smoothen out the rough edges of this smile.

During planning, patient wanted to have the front teeth fixed and have a permanent prosthesis for the missing back tooth at a later point in time.

Can say that the front six have delivered.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Clear aligner

Sure footed.
Setting up realistic goals is a key aspect of planning dental treatment.

Minor ortho correction involving crowding of teeth was achieved using Truline aligner system.

This result was achieved with minimal refinements and no deviation from the original treatment plan.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Four in the back and Six at the front

The phenomenon.
The worn down shortened upper front teeth are indicative of the person grinding or wearing down their teeth.

This results in a loss of the height or length of the face as the jaw moves closer to the rest of the face due to the edges of the teeth being worn down causing the chin to come closer to the nose.

If these teeth were to be restored without gaining back the facial height they would result in a deep bite and the aesthetic results may not be inspiring.

Here, the facial height was restored by balancing the occlusal table with the help of 4 porcelain crowns on the lower posterior teeth and and 6 anterior porcelain veneers for a functional and aesthetic smile.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Ceramic over composite

It’s no laughing matter.

Carefully crafted veneers bringing back the lost incisal edges that were lost to wear.

Designing a smile that meets the expectations of the patient is easier when working with a dental lab locally.

Patient had an occlusal splint fabricated to protect the veneers and the rest of the teeth from damage in the future.

Clear aligner

Clear aligners aka invisalign, clear correct, smiledirect etc etc..

The focus here was on the upper right hand side canine which was pulled and pushed into place along with the lower front crowding of the teeth.

It is quite a beautiful result using the Truline system which is made locally by Fabdent, here in Alexandria, Sydney.

Irrespective of the clear aligner system used, the essence remains the same that is orthodontic movement of teeth.

A good treatment plan and close monitoring of the patient is imperative to the success of the treatment.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Emax Procelain Zirconia

This smile was restored with 8 emax veneers.

Call it what you may, veneers can be made from a number of materials including composite but the end goal is to provide a result that looks good and functions like natural teeth.

The patient lost his incisal edge for a number of reasons like age related wear and tear not excluding STRESS.

The wear on the upper front teeth is indicative of teeth likely rubbing against each other while the patient was asleep. This phenomenon is called BRUXISM or ‘grinding of teeth’ in simple terms, and is a common manifestation of stress.

A night guard or occlusal splint is fabricated to prevent any future damage to the teeth and TMJ.

Composite Veneers

If baby teeth were visitors these canines have definitely over stayed.

A case of impacted permanent upper canines with over retained baby teeth. The short term goal was to improve the smile with some composite resin veneers while the patient plans a long term definitive solution.

Ideally, the impacted canines can be extruded and aligned with the rest of the dentition by a multi-disciplinary approach involving oral surgery and orthodontics.

Implants and E-max Crowns

The patient underwent bone grafting and implant surgery as first stage of treatment.
It involved 6 porcelain crowns, including the 2 implants sites, addressing the patient’s function and aesthetics.

Predictability and precision were key in this case to achieve an outstanding result addressing the expectations and long term goals of the patient.

Canines Masked

Measure twice, cut once.
These canine teeth had taken the place and space of what and where would have been the lateral incisors.

Canines masked as lateral incisors and the smile enhanced with the help of 6 porcelain veneers.

Subtlety is an art.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Digital Smile

Lost and found.

Have you ever lost something and had to carefully trace your steps back to find it.
How good is it when you end up finding it!
Traced our way back to this smile with lots of pre-operative planning and a solid team work come with this premium outcome!

Digital smile designed using 3shape.

Smile Makeover

‘People didn’t even notice it!’

In most cases, you do not want to hear those words, however, for this smile makeover it is a testament to the harmony achieved.
This was a case of tooth size discrepancies, excessive front teeth proclination, occlusal trauma, and a constricted chewing envelope.
Addressing the above mentioned issues lead to a desirable end result, that is, a harmonious smile that compliments the patient by improving on the past limitations and yet reminiscent of the old smile.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Crowns and Bridge, Veneers combined with Implants

In this case, the wear pattern of the upper and lower teeth highlight that the patient most likely is a bruxer, in other words, someone who grinds or clenches their teeth while asleep.

The smile was restored with composite filling material and a removable denture that replaced the missing tooth on the upper left.

Ideally fixed prosthetics like, crowns and bridge, veneers combined with implants would have been the treatment of choice but, at the time, was not a practical choice for the patient.

There’s more to life than just teeth.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Composite Veneers / Mini Smile Makeovers

Simple everyday dentistry.
Patient’s priority in this case was to be able to smile.

This plan included 6 composite veneers to restore the smile along with an occlusal splint to protect the teeth from further damage.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

E-Max Veneers

These tiny gatekeepers were restored with 6 emax porcelain veneers.
The damage would have resulted from a combination of factors like erosion and attrition of teeth.

Clearly, the smile could have been widened further had we included additional back teeth but the patient was happy with the wax up and try in seen in the 4th picture here.

Overall, it is a marked enhancement of her smile.

Dental Bridge

A missing tooth, a peg lateral and an old crown walked into a…
Three birds, one stone.

Three unit bridge after going through treatment options.

Marked improvement from the old denture replacing the missing tooth.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Long Span Bridges

Fifty is the new thirty.

Replacement of a long span bridge with attention to detail resulting in a fuller appearance and a better rest position of the lip.

Long span bridges are not an ideal choice of treatment but she had had the previous bridge for decades.

Don’t fix what’s not broken.

Emax. Porcelain. Zirconia.

This smile was restored with 8 emax veneers.

Call it what you may, veneers can be made from a number of materials including composite but the end goal is to provide a result that looks good and functions like natural teeth.

The patient lost his incisal edge for a number of reasons like age related wear and tear not excluding STRESS.

The wear on the upper front teeth is indicative of teeth likely rubbing against each other while the patient was asleep. This phenomenon is called BRUXISM or ‘grinding of teeth’ in simple terms, and is a common manifestation of stress.

A night guard or occlusal splint is fabricated to prevent any future damage to the teeth and TMJ.


Feedback: ‘Biting into an apple feels better’

An interesting case involving a midline discrepancy, tooth proportion asymmetry, and spacing of the upper front teeth.

A thorough DSD is key allowing each and every tooth prep to be guided by design helping restorations fit right in.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Teeth Grinding-Bruxism

These teeth can simply be summarised as ‘worn teeth’.

This is a result of a combination of factors over the years including a restricted envelope of function, parafunction (teeth grinding-bruxism), coupled with erosion etc.

It also affects an individual’s facial appearance as the jaw is closer to the face, giving rise to hyperactivity of the facial muscles.

In this case, the goal was to reverse the damage and achieve a relaxed jaw position; in other words, a therapeutic occlusion.

This was achieved by raising the height of the posterior teeth and a mix of porcelain veneers and partial coverage crowns on the upper teeth.

In the end, the patient was able to restore aesthetics without compromising function.
Notice the relaxed facial muscles in the post operative pictures taken 4 months after completion of treatment.

Minor Orthodontics

Midline diastema (gap between the centre teeth) closed using Truline invisible aligners.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.


It’s no laughing matter.

Carefully crafted veneers bringing back the lost incisal edges that were lost to wear.

Designing a smile that meets the expectations of the patient is easier when working with a dental lab locally.

Patient had an occlusal splint fabricated to protect the veneers and the rest of the teeth from damage in the future.


‘How would you like your teeth? asked the dentist.

‘Wider, straighter, and brighter said Winnie the Pooh’ ?

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Clear Aligners

A course of Truline clear aligners, based in Sydney, helping the teeth come together by making the right moves in the right direction.

Patient wants to follow it up replacing the the front filling to match her tooth to the rest of her teeth.

Practical dentistry for everyday people.

Crowns and Bridges

Seven zircad prime MT crowns to bring this smile together. You will notice the predictability of the results achieved in the mock-up/test run photograph.

Making a difference in people’s life by crafting beautiful smiles

Digital Smile Design using CAD Technology

Leading edge. Front runner. Early adopter.

These are some of the terms or phrases that come to mind when you think of digital dentistry aided by 3D tools.

CAD dentistry closes the gap between the patient, clinician and the dental lab. It provides objectivity and control to the clinician and predictability for the patient. Win win and win!

Here we have 4 restorations, a single emax crown and composite bonding using an injectable technique. The patient intends to convert them into indirect restorations in the future.

Smile Now, Pay Later

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