Dental Bridge vs Implant – What You Need to Know?

dental bridge vs implant Dapto

Missing and broken teeth affect your appearance and oral health causing misalignment, decay and jawbone deterioration. Fortunately, your dentist can replace missing teeth using the latest technology and innovations to give you a beautiful smile. Book a free consultation at your local dental clinic to find out more about your options.

Dental Bridge vs Implant: What is the Difference?

If you need a tooth restoration procedure, there are various methods to help you regain the function and appearance of your smile. Two popular procedures are dental implants and bridges.

A dental bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth by utilising two healthy adjacent teeth on either side of the gap as supporting structures for an artificial tooth.

Dental implants replace the crown and tooth root. A small biocompatible titanium post is embedded in the jaw or gum line to mimic the natural tooth root. Once the site has healed an abutment and a porcelain or zirconia crown are attached to the implant for a fully functioning and natural-looking tooth.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Although both restoration treatments are effective, there are a few benefits to getting dental implants instead of a dental bridge.

  • Permanent tooth replacement

Unlike a dental bridge, dental implants are a permanent replacement for missing teeth. Titanium is biocompatible which reduces the risk of implant rejection and supports healthy tissue growth to help the implant become part of your body. Explore in more detail.

  • Jaw stabilisation

Without a tooth root, your remaining teeth are at risk of misalignment and your jawbone can begin to deteriorate. The titanium implant encourages Osseo integration which builds up the bone and soft tissue to stabilise the jaw and improve your oral health, as well as maintain your youthful facial structure. During your free consultation your dentist will assess your jaw bone to determine if a graft is required.

  • Better comfort

Dental bridges can shift and slip as the shape of the jaw changes which can irritate the gum tissue, put pressure on surrounding teeth, and impact speech. Dental implants will not move over time and can withstand the pressure of chewing and biting to restore complete function to your tooth or teeth.

  • Natural Appearance

The stable placement and porcelain or zirconia finish on the crown give the dental implants a realistic lustre and a natural appearance.

  • No Tooth Shaping

When a dental bridge is fitted, the surrounding supporting teeth must be shaped to fit the crown. This permanently changes the structure of your teeth. While dental implants are considered major surgery, the procedure is minimally invasive and the surgeons at Dapto Dentists use 3D imaging to pre-plan the procedure for shorter surgery times.

Book a Consultation  

If you are considering a dental bridge vs implant to replace a missing tooth or teeth, consider the long-term impact on your oral health before making your decision. Dental implants offer a permanent, stable solution that enhances your jaw strength and minimises future dental complications.

At Dapto Dentists, we use the latest technological innovations and take a gentle approach to dental implant surgery. To book your free consultation with our experienced staff call (02) 4044 5520 and let us help you restore the look and function of your smile.