How Much Do Clear Aligners Cost? Understand What To Expect

how much do clear aligners cost dapto

Clear aligners are an alternative orthodontic treatment to traditional wire and metal braces. People with mild to moderate malocclusions and misalignment can benefit from wearing a clear aligner to straighten and realign their teeth. 

Clear aligners typically cost less than traditional braces. They are also a less invasive form of orthodontic intervention for bite correction. Discover the answer to ‘how much do clear aligners cost’, and learn what the clear aligner treatment process entails at Dapto Dentists. 

What are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners like Invisalign are a custom-made set of BPA-free thermoplastic dental trays that slowly correct your tooth alignment over several months. They are made using SmartTrack technology and custom-fitted to your mouth to ensure a personalised result. 

Unlike traditional or modern braces, clear aligners are discrete and less invasive. They also offer you a shorter treatment time, are easy to remove when needed, allow for unobstructed brushing and flossing, and don’t require any dietary restrictions. 

How Clear Aligners Work?

At Dapto Dentists, you will begin your clear aligner treatment with a custom-made, clear aligner. Every two weeks, you will receive a new aligner with a slightly different shape, which slowly moves your teeth into the desired location. The clear aligners move your teeth by applying subtle pressure to your periodontal ligament, which moves them over time. 

Typically, clear aligners can take between 24 and 72 weeks to correct bite or crooked teeth issues. It is essential to wear your clear aligners as directed by your Dapto dentist. Failure to wear your aligner correctly can result in your teeth moving to their original position, delaying your results. 

How Much Do Clear Aligners Cost?

The cost of orthodontic treatment with clear aligners varies based on your corrective needs. If you require a significant amount of preparatory work before starting clear aligner treatment, it can add to the cost of treatment. For instance, you may need to have a tooth removed, or a filling put in before your dentist can begin your treatment with clear aligners. 

price clear aligners daptoThe length of your aligner treatment also affects the cost. Longer treatment times for complex alignment issues require additional custom aligner trays and visits to your dentist. This will increase the cost of your clear aligner treatment. 

At Dapto Dentists, we offer orthodontic teeth straightening with Invisalign clear aligners. Before starting the straightening clear aligner process with clear aligners, you will have an in-depth consultation with your Dapto dentist. 

During your consultation, your dentist provides you with a fixed price for your clear aligner treatment based on their assessment of your dental needs. 

Financing Clear Aligner Treatment

You can also discuss payment plan options for your clear aligner treatment at your appointment. Dapto offers multiple payment plans, including Zip, SuperCare, and Afterpay, to help you cover the cost of clear aligner treatment. 

To pay for clear aligners, you can also check with your insurance company. Private insurers set their own coverage policies, so contact your provider to determine what they pay for. Coverage is typically available if you have extras cover built into your policy, not just General Dental. 

Medicare typically does not pay for orthodontic procedures. However, if you have a child who requires clear aligners, they may be eligible for partial coverage through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Schedule an Orthodontic Consultation Today

If you are considering a clear aligner to straighten your teeth, schedule a consultation with your dentist. Contact us on (02) 4210 9058 or fill out the consultation form online to discuss your teeth straightening options. 

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Orthodontic treatments

Cost of dental care