Porcelain Veneers Cost – Obtain The Smile You Deserve

porcelain veneers cost dapto

The cost of a dental procedure is a serious consideration for most patients. Porcelain dental veneers are fantastic restorations, and your confidence will be boosted by the fantastic smile these veneers can provide. There are a few variables that impact what porcelain veneers cost for patients. Knowing the price of porcelain veneers can help you save money and obtain the smile you deserve.

Pre-treatment for dental porcelain veneers

A primary factor to consider first, when thinking about porcelain veneers cost, is the health of your teeth before your veneers procedure. Your teeth and gums will need to be in good condition to qualify for veneers. The procedure for veneers is irreversible, so your teeth must be healthy to have the thin veneer shell placed over them.

Your teeth may require treatment before you can have the veneers procedure done, so this may affect the total price of dental veneers. Your dentist will also want to make sure your teeth are as clean as possible before putting on the veneers, even if you do not necessarily have an outstanding condition that needs to be addressed.

Issues like tooth decay and gum disease will all have to be corrected before you can be considered for dental veneers. There are some issues that veneers themselves cannot fix and will have to be addressed, such as a root canal, gum disease treatment, and fillings and will impact the final cost.

You will also want to make sure your teeth have healthy enamel. Your dentist must first remove a small part of your teeth’s enamel in order to place the veneers. Your dentist may also recommend optional tooth whitening before the procedure to make sure your teeth are as white as possible so you can get the most out of your veneers. Veneers do mask discolouration, but it is possible to still see through to the tooth underneath, so it is sometimes helpful to have them whitened.

Dental veneer options

The price of dental veneers can also fluctuate based on your options for the procedure. The cost will be higher depending on how many veneers you want or need.

Some patients only want porcelain veneers on their social six front teeth that show the most.

Choosing this route can help you save money if the cost is an issue. Others will only get veneers on their top or bottom rows of teeth.

If you have a chip or crack in a tooth on the bottom row, but your top row of teeth is intact, you may not need veneers on the bottom.

Some patients choose only to place a dental veneer on a single tooth to mask a chip, discolouration, or another minor issue.

Price also depends on whether dental porcelain veneers or composite resin material veneers are used. Porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite resin veneers, but they can last nearly twice as long. While composite veneers will only last about 5-7 years, porcelain veneers can last 10-15 or more. Your dentist can assist you in determining what is best for your unique smile, your finances, and other oral health needs.

Your dentist

Fees may vary based on what your dentist offers for porcelain veneers. Different practices offer different fees for service based on location and experience. You will also want to look into whatever special offers are available to you from your dentist. There may be a way to save money on your pre-procedure cleanings. There may also be discounts on the price of the installation of the dental veneers.

It is important to check what insurance your dentist takes as well. Patients can also expect lower prices if they are affiliated with DVA, NSW health voucher, and Medicare (CDBS). In any situation where extensive treatment is required across multiple visits, a quote will be provided for you to check against your health fund.

Dapto Dentists is a preferred provider for CBHS, Westfund and HCF.


If you are ready to upgrade the appearance of your smile, porcelain dental veneers are a great option to rejuvenate and whiten your smile. A single custom veneer can disguise discolouration, cracks, a chip or a misshapen tooth instantly and give you the   natural looking gleaming smile you have always wanted.

Contact us to discuss our pricing and financing options for a porcelain dental veneers procedure. If you are ready to improve your smile today, contact Dapto Dentists at (02) 4210 9058 or visit us at our website for quality treatment at an affordable cost for every patient.